The Book Has been released!Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe® Dreamweaver® is the leading web authoring tool, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the recommended method for creating accessible, standards-compliant web pages. Yet it’s a common misconception that a visual authoring tool like Dreamweaver cannot compliment a standards-oriented designer or developer's workflow. In Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS4 (Voices That Matter), authors Stephanie Sullivan and Greg Rewis demonstrate the time-saving tips and techniques that make Dreamweaver and CSS such a powerful combination. In a series of step-by-step projects, the authors take designers by the hand to create five full-fledged web sites.
Using Dreamweaver’s latest tools for building CSS-based sites, you’ll learn:
- the core concepts of CSS
- how to use, customize and extend the CSS layouts included in Dreamweaver
- issues involved in creating accessible sites
- techniques for overcoming common CSS rendering issues
- how to customize and extend the CSS layouts
- real-world solutions for CSS challenges
- implementing the newest Spry framework for Ajax to progressively enhance standards-based and accessible CSS layouts